Information on Personalised Budgets
We’ve released new papers on Personalised Budgets to give more information on the way we propose to build participant budgets in the future.
In 2020 we released a paper on proposed changes to our planning policy for Personalised Budgets and plan flexibility, and encouraged participants, families, carers and the wider sector to respond.
Your feedback told us you wanted fairer decisions. You also told us you wanted us to be more transparent about how we worked out the funds in participants’ plans.
The Personalised Budgets papers give you more information on how we are developing the new budget model and how we propose budgets will be built.
New participant journey maps explaining the proposed planning process for participants have also been released. These maps can be found on the NDIS website.
We’re still designing and testing Personalised Budgets. We are taking more time to listen to feedback from the community so any changes we make will help deliver a better NDIS.
We’re also working hard to support Minister for the NDIS, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, in continuing to gather feedback on the NDIS reforms from participants and stakeholders.
Read the personalised budget paper on our website
There are three versions of the Personalised Budgets paper available for increased accessibility. They include:
- Personalised Budgets – technical information paper
- Personalised Budgets – information paper for participants, their families and carers
Easy Read Guide – A new way to work out how much funding you receive in your NDIS plan