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Anti Discrimination Commission Training Katherine

Just a friendly reminder that we’re coming to Katherine on 29 & 30 July to deliver public training.  Take advantage of the chance to participate in some great training without having to plan a trip to Darwin!

Both of the flyers are attached, so you can check out the course descriptions, dates and times.

If you’d like to register yourself or one (or more) of your team for any of the courses listed, please complete the attached  Registration form and email it back to antidiscrimination@nt.gov.au.
Katherine training calendar Jul 2021

If you have any questions you’d like answered before you put in your registration, please call us on 8999 1444 or 1800 813 8436 or reply to this email.  You can also check out the Education and training page of our website, https://adc.nt.gov.au/education-and-training.