Drawing Upon Dreams Art Exhibition 2024 – Artist Application

The Drawing Upon Dreams Exhibition is extending an open CALL OUT to community members with disability, and/or who experience disability, to be part of an exhibition at UNTiTLED Gallery and Studio, showing from December 5th 5.30pm-December 8th 1pm. The call out will be open until November 14th, unless filled beforehand, and artworks will be accepted on a 'first-come, first served' basis. If you have any access issues filling in this form, please contact IdA at events@idainc.org.au or on 08 8948 5400.

Drawing Upon Dreams Exhibition - The Theme

One submission per artist please - we will be in touch if we have space for multiple submissions. 🙂 Drawing Upon Dreams is a theme open to interpretation. You can be as literal, or as metaphoric as you would like. Dreams for the future, dreams for now, dreams of a night - anything is possible! If you feel your piece doesn't align with this, please don't worry, the theme is meant to inspire, but above all, we want you to share your art. 🙂 Get in touch if you would like to discuss: events@idainc.org.au
This exhibition is for adults with disability and/or who experience disability. If you do not, there may be other opportunities to exhibit at UNTiTLED. Check the Darwin Community Arts website for updates!
Tell us what you’d like us to know about the story or thought or realisation of this work. A few words or just a few sentences is ok. This will be used for our floor sheet / artwork information document. Maximum words: 100
Please note that the maximum size is 1m x 1m. Artwork/sculptures that can be hung from the roof, or displayed from a plinth (a raised platform it can sit on) are also eligible.
Max. file size: 256 MB.
If is it not framed, but you would like it to be, IdA has funding to assist with this.
IdA and UNTiTLED will not be taking a commission for any sales.
If you have an active ABN we can process income from artwork sales through your ABN and bank account details. If you do not have an ABN we require a ATO Statement by a Supplier form which can be found here: https://www.ato.gov.au/forms-and-instructions/statement-by-supplier-not-quoting-an-abn
If your artwork is sold online, it will be your responsibility to organise and pay for the postage, if the buyer cannot pick up the artwork.
Exhibition Timeline(Required)
The Exhibition will run from Dec 5th-Dec 8th at UNTiTLED gallery and studio. Artwork can be dropped off from Monday 2nd of December at UNTiTLED Gallery and Studio, and can be picked up on Sunday 8th of December 1pm-3pm, or Tuesday 10th 10am-5pm. The online version of the exhibition will launch approximately November 21st. Do you agree to these terms?
Access Rider: please take this opportunity to provide any specific access needs you have and how we can support you in your exhibition process: i.e. lighting, sound, install support, health conditions. Please find attached template below with further description of an access rider: https://disabilityarts.online/magazine/opinion/access-rider-open-template/

Code of Conduct

In exhibiting we ask artists to consider the following questions: 1) Does your artwork speak of lived experiences that are not your own? 2) Does your artwork represent cultures that are not your own? IdA maintains the right to contact you if we wish to discuss your piece or have any questions about it. While this is not a curated exhibition, we reserve the right to make final decisions re the exhibition.